Welcome to ViBe
Visy works with Stanford Brown to manage several benefits for Visy employees and their families. Below is a list of the benefits on offer, along with links to where you can obtain further information.
Financial Education Videos
With the economy taking a big hit during the COVID-19 crisis, personal finances has risen as a top stressor for many. Many people will be panicking, unsure of what to do with their investments, superannuation or cashflow.
We want to ensure that you are spending less time worrying about your personal finances so that you can focus on work, family and overall wellbeing. We believe the best way to combat this stress, is by offering as much education and online support as possible.
To help you stay informed and educated, we are releasing free informative webinars and on demand videos that address common financial wellbeing topics.
Watch our videos here.
Claiming Your At Home Tax Deductions
As the COVID-19 shut-down unfortunately continues, your home office costs will surely add up! If there is good news to any of this, it is that you may be eligible to claim tax deductions for your costs in setting up and running your home office, if you are not already reimbursed by an employer. Further, the Government has announced that additional home office deductions are available in response to the COVID-19 shut down.
Stanford Brown Accounting has all the tips on how to claim and what to claim on here.
Stanford Brown and Partner Network Services
Stanford Brown specialises in personal financial advice, helping you achieve your financials goals in whatever stage of life you are in.
We also have a host of trusted partners we can put you in contact with should you require advice in the following areas:
Estate Planning
Mortgage Broking
Property Buying
Should you want to have a no obligation discussion about any of the above services, please reach out to us at help@benefit3.com.au. Please note that any costs associated with these services are outside of your Visy Benefits arrangements.